Our desire to show people that they matter doesn’t stop at our front door. Volunteers from Feed My Sheep also go out in to the community to visit with those who can’t come to us.

Our outreach program, called “tea run” by the volunteers who started it, operates two afternoons per week, alternating between visiting our friends living on the street, and those who are in housing but can’t make it to FMS. Many people who are not currently homeless are still in great need, overlooked and isolated. Some are elderly or have mobility issues, some have disorders such as anxiety or PTSD which inhibit them from leaving their home, but many are still just living in extreme poverty, unable to afford transportation to organizations offering assistance.
Our purpose is deeper than just bringing food and meeting physical needs, but is also to meet the emotional and spiritual needs of being a friend to those who are so often marginalized or forgotten. Everyone desires to be seen, to be heard and to know that they are loved, and that is the goal of our tea run- to show people they matter. Volunteers spend time talking and getting to know the people we visit, in addition to offering prayer, food and meeting any other needs we can. Volunteering with our outreach program is such a much-needed ministry, and one that is infinitely rewarding, not only to those being served, but also for those serving.
If you’d like to learn more about our outreach program or find out how you can get involved, please email Deni, at deni@feedmysheeptemple.org.
If you’d like to support our outreach ministry, check out our currently needed items on our Amazon Wishlist at the link below!
Jeff Stegall
Casey Mooney
Deni Howard