Elizabeth Farm
Elizabeth Farm is a branch of Feed My Sheep. It is a sustainable, non-profit, community farm, where anyone from the community can come and practice and learn farming and gardening skills.

Elizabeth Farm is focused on addressing two primary needs.
First, we are a functional farm that is able to sustainably provide Feed My Sheep and the surrounding community with fresh, healthy, local food, helping to address the experience of poverty, hunger and health problems related to unhealthy food options.
Second, Elizabeth Farm offers a peaceful place for members of the community to build relationships, learn new passions, and relax, while engaging in meaningful work and getting away from city life. This is especially important for those who have negative influences in their current situations, those who don’t currently feel a sense of purpose in life, and those who don’t feel they are experiencing true community. These negative feelings and experiences are priorities that all branches of Feed My Sheep seek to address, but Elizabeth Farm offers a unique and important outlet to do so.
If you’d like to learn more about Elizabeth Farm, schedule a visit, or find out how you can volunteer, email Zach, the Elizabeth Farm Director at Zach@feedmysheeptemple.org.
“What I love about Elizabeth Farm is that when you’re doing farming and gardening work, everyone is equal. No matter your background, economic status or social status, we are all working side by side, cultivating God’s earth and making something beautiful together. ”
If you’d like to support Elizabeth Farm, check out our currently needed items on our Amazon Wishlist at the link below!
Leadership Team
Casey Mooney
FMS Operations Director
Zach Behr
Elizabeth Farm Director